Tuesday 14 July 2015

Top Ten Tuesday #7

In today's Top Ten Tuesday I am featuring the last ten books that came into our possession (whether they were bought or taken from the library)  

Ilina's picks

Harry Potter Boxset (Harry Potter, #1-7)A Dance with Dragons (A Song of Ice and Fire, #5)We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves
Sex and the CityThe Name of the RoseTo Kill a Mockingbird

1. Harry Potter box-set - When I finished uni this year and found more time to indulge in books so I decided that it is unforgivable that I do not own my favorite books of all time. I ordered the first one of the series - I wanted to re-read it immediately. Biggest mistake of my life - when I ordered the second and third ones, they were different editions. How unbelievably irritating is this?
2.  A Dance with Dragons is another book from my favorites that I did not own before. Not much more to explain, I just cannot stand the thought of not having one of my beloved books around.
3.  We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves - review here where you will find the story behind its purchase.  
4. Sex and the City - Amazing TV show but not so brilliant book. Still I wanted to give it a go because I absolutely love the characters. Maybe I should write a review on it and the show?
5. The Name of the Rose - a rather spontaneous purchase. I did not know anything about the book, but have heard the title as it is famous. I was only 1 pound at a book sale and I thought 'why not, you can't go wrong with almost any book'. 
6. To Kill a Mockingbird - I have been dying to get a hold of this book for years. I seem to be the only living person to not have read it. I am currently on it and loving it so far, beware of a passionate review.
7. Fangirl - Just got it the other day and started reading it immediately. I have heard so much praise for it and I can understand it now - it is very heart-warming and the nerd references in it are making me laugh out load every time.

George's picks

MiseryAlex Ferguson: My AutobiographyThe Hypnotist (Joona Linna, #1)

8. Misery - Being the biggest Stephen King fan you will ever meet, it was fairly surprising that he hadn't read one of his most famous books. We bought it for him as a present and he loved it, maybe we will start a Book vs. Film series with this one.
9. Alex Ferguson: My Autobiography - As the crazy football fan that he is, he couldn't resist the urge to peek into the mind of probably the best football manager there ever was.
10. The Hypnotist - I gave this one to him because I had the impression he like creepy, weird novels and this one is exactly the case. He did not go through with it though, but he is not the biggest book person.

Do you own any of these books and what do you think of them?


  1. Harry Potter is good on any list. And Fangirl is great too. I've heard great things about We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves but haven't actually read it yet, must have a look at your review

  2. Some interesting reads you got here! :) Thanks for stopping by! :D

  3. Awesome list!! Oh I cannot believe you have never read To Kill A Mockingbird. That is one of my favorite books ever!! And Fangirl is amazing.

  4. You are the second person I've come across today that put To Kill a Mockingbird on their list. I guess since it is so close to the anniversary everyone has it in mind :)

    my TTT http://mommywantstoread.blogspot.com/2015/07/top-ten-tuesday-recently-acquired-books.html
