Saturday 13 September 2014

Liebster Award

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I was nominated by Take a Walk On The Write Side so thank you very much! 
The rules to the Liebster Awards are these:
Thank the blogger who nominated you and link to their blog!
List 11 random facts about yourself.
Answer their 11 questions.
Nominate 11 bloggers who have less than 200 followers.
Ask them 11 questions.
Let them know you have nominated them

So 11 random facts about me. Gosh, I hate these but okay:
1. I've dreamt my whole life to live in London and soon I'm fulfilling my dream.
2. I've had one dog, one cat, two rabbits, two turtels and two parots. Not at once, of course, but you get my point - I like animals.
3. I've lost a person who meant the world to me.
4. I'm obsessed with beauty and fashion and thinking of adding this to my blog.
5. I have the foolish dream to become a writer one day.
6. I have a little brother who is really annoying. :)
7. I love everything about France and Italy and want to learn the languages and go there.
8. Autumn and winter are my favourite seasons.
9. I love writing and even as a little girl I kept a diary.
10. I love British bloggers and vloggers such as Zoella, essiebutton, Tanya Burr and so on.
11.  I'm really bad at listing things about myself.

Answer their 11 questions:

1) What book would you like to see turned into a movie/tv series and why? - All of my favourite books are already turned into a movie, but I would love to see a remake of Frankenstein by Mary Shelley and IT by Stephen King.

2) What is your favorite fairytale? - Snow White

3) What book made you fall in love with reading? - A Game of Thrones by George Martin

4) Who is you all-time favorite author? - Stephen King

5) Do you sometimes judge a book by its cover. - Not really but a book with a pretty cover always attracts me.

6) What was/is your favorite school subject? - Literature and Biology.

7) What made you decide to start a blog? - I wanted to practice writing because this month I'm going to university to study Literature.

8) Do you like taking personality quizzes? - Oh, not really.

9) What's the last book you read and loved? - Summer and the City.

10) What do you like to do when you're not reading? - So many things - shopping, playing the guitar, watching youtube, reading and writing blogs and so on.

11) If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? - Italy, France, Brazil, Spain, let's say everywhere.

My questions: 
1. What is the first book you read by yourself?
2. Outdoor or indoor reading?
3. What was the worst movie adaptation of a book? 
4. Book you’re most embarrassed to have never read? 
5. Would you rather read digital or paper books?
6. What are you reading right now?
7. How many books do you own?
8. What character in a book would you like to be best friends with?
9. Who is your favourite novelist?
10. Do you have a comfort book that you re-read?
11. What is your favourite quotation?

I nomiate:
The Hardcover Lover  
Gloria The Violinist   
And basically everyone who feels like doing it.



  1. Thank you! Did you ever get mine? I nominated you a while back...

  2. Sorry, my bad, I guess we are even :)

  3. Thank you so much for nominating me !!
    Good luck at university ! :)

  4. I tagged you for the seven deadly sins tag :)
    Here's the link if you're interested

  5. Short and sweet answers!<3
    Your blog is beautiful!:) I followed you!
    The Journeys' of my beating heart

  6. Hey! I nominated you for another Liebster Award! Congratulations! You can check out my post here :

  7. Hey, just found your blog. It's beautiful! I started following you. I am currently living in Italy and am learning Italian. It is a beautiful country!
