Sunday 26 July 2015

The Interview: Film Reviews #6

Kim Jong-Un: You know what’s more destructive than a nuclear bomb? Words!

          With all the surrounding hype when the movie opened in December 2014 I am shocked that more people didn’t go and see it. I mean, its release was defended by Obama himself, for Gods’ sake! Anyway, it is never too late to do the right thing and I am about to explain exactly why you need to go and see The Interview.
                From the very first scene of the movie where you see a cute little girl singing what appears to be the North Korean anthem (Our Beloved Leader is wise. He is gentle, kind and strong. We wish him joy. We wish him peace. We wish him love. And the one thing in our time, we wish more than this is for the United States to explode in a ball of fiery hell.) you are hooked! It is so unbelievably cute and fucked up at the same time that you cannot look away, even if you’re one of those stuck up people that might find that sort of thing offensive. With that in mind if you do happen to be easily offended – this movie is not for you. It is so random, politically incorrect, homophobic and racially discriminating that you might end up burning a copy of the DVD and soap-washing your eyes just to make yourself feel clean again. If, however you happen to be open-minded and look at things from their funny sides (which would happen to be the proper way to view any comedy, especially a Seth Rogen one) you are in for a treat! The movie is hilarious and at no point is it anti-climactic which is a rare thing nowadays. The chemistry between James Franco & Seth Rogen is as strong as always and most of the scenes between them are funny, even if all they do is give each other stupid looks. Now, when you add the hilarious and super nerdy dialogue you might find it hard to not pause the movie just so that you can laugh it off without missing a single line, because you never know when the next piece of brilliance might hit!(Sook: How many times can the U.S. make the same mistake? Aaron: As many times as it takes!)
                And for those who argue that this might be a comedy, but given that North Korea does hold a serious threat to world peace, it is not very appropriate and thus should be banned - all I have to say is that this movie jokes with and humiliates the USA in a much more grotesque manner than it does with Kim Jong-Un.  In fact, he is portrayed as by far superior intellectually than any American in the movie. In any way, nothing is done solely to offend – it is all just so funny! From James Franco singing Katy Perry’s Firework to Kim Jong-Un to Seth Rogen shoving what is later referred to as Robocop’s dick up his ass it just never seizes to amuse! So what you need to do is get that movie immediately, get some friends together (much funnier in company) and just have a nice and amusing evening! You will thank me for it!
                PS The movie ends with The Wind of Change as Rogen and Franco make their great escape! How cool is that!?

                Dave Skylark: They hate us because they ain't us!

1 comment:

  1. The Interview is such a great movie! Way too much drama created over something so.. silly and purposely ridiculous, but that just made it all the better watching these hilarious scenes that you know some people are laughing at and applauding, others are gawking at, and still others are boycotting.

    I felt The Interview was very well-done for what it was. Folks who get offended by such humor have as much of a right to be offended as you or I have to enjoy it - but they should simply not watch it if that is the case. Knock it off with boycotting and banning things.
