Tuesday 12 August 2014

Top Ten Tuesday #2

 Today's Top Ten Tuesday is about books I'm not so sure I want to read. Basically I will pick ten books I own or have heard of and tell you why I'm suspicious about them.

1. Eragon by Christopher Paolini
It seems that everyone hates this book. I’ve basically never heard a good opinion about it. Once I decided that I would give it a shot. The ten in a row one star reviews changed my mind again.

2. Fifty Shades of Grey by E. L. James
I think that maybe everyone has had mixed feelings about this book. From what I’ve heard it has a stupid storyline and a lot of pornography.
Don’t think I’ll ever get around this one.

3. Inferno by Dan Brown (or basically every other of his books) 
After reading a bunch of his books which had seemingly the same plot you can probably understand my reluctance. I understand that most of them are about the same character and so on. But am I the only one who thinks that he is doing the same thing in every single book. I don't know, I just really got bored by Dan Brown's novels.

4. Small Gods by Terry Pratchet
Only read one of his books and I dare to say that I didn’t like it at all. I’ve had this one  for ages and I just never pick it up. I know that a lot of people love his books so basically I don’t know what my problem is.

5. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon

That is just a book that I own for which I have absolutely no opinion. I don’t know anything about the writer, nor the book.

6. A Good Day To Die by Simon Kernick
It is basically the same situation with this one too.

7. Misery by Stephen King 
It is not that I'm not sure about this one, I just never came around to reading it, I've read so many of his books and they rarely disappoint so I don't know what my problem is except that  I don't own it.

8. The Host by Stephenie Meyer

Is it only me? Because since I wasted my time reading ‘Twilight’, I’m never trusting this woman again!

9. The Evil Seed by Joanne Harris
As you probably know I absolutely love Joanne Harris. Her books are amazing and they rarely disappoint. However, this one has always seemed strange too me. And I’ve never came across a copy of this book. That is the main reason I’ve not read it.

10.  The Fault in Our Stars by John Green 
Shocking you with this one, right? I've read two of his books so far and I like his style. I can't say with certainty why I'm not so sure about this book. Maybe because literally everybody is talking about it and the story sounds a little bit cheesy for me. However, I bought it (because I'm a crazy collector) and I'll definitely give it a chance soon.

And that is it. I would be glad to hear some opinions about this books, because I'm sure I could change my mind.


  1. I've got The Fault in Our Stars on my list too. I'm just worried it will be too upsetting and I'm a little overwhelmed by all the hype. I've read Fifty Shades and don't really think you are missing much.

  2. I only read two books on this list. Fifty Shades Of Grey-the characters are annoying & idiotic,boring plot... And The Fault In Our Stars which I didn't really enyoy all that much. A lot of people love it though so I hope you do too. In my opinion it's just really hyped up.

  3. I second the Dan Brown apprehension. The first time round was entertaining enough, but after whole idea gets recycled, over and over again, there really isn't much left going for it...

  4. i liked the fault in our stars but have never been able to make myself finish another one of his books. the blurbs sound good, but when i start reading, i just feel meh about them.

    following on bloglovin'.

  5. I actually really love Eragon and the series as a whole. Maybe it has some nostalgia value since I read Eragon for the first time when I was 12/13 but I have reread the series since and still enjoyed it *shrugs* I never knew there were so many negative reviews!

    When I read The Fault in Our Stars about a year ago I really didn’t get the hype or the love for that book (just thought it was OK and kinda predictable) but I totally understand your hesitance.

    My TTT: http://elenasquareeyes.wordpress.com/2014/08/12/top-ten-tuesday-top-ten-books-im-not-sure-i-want-to-read/

  6. 50 shades really isn't my cup of tea. I really like Dan Brown for some reason. It's just interesting to see possible theories and his writing-style is so easy. The host is so BORING.

