Thursday 9 July 2015

Holiday Reads #2

The time has come for me to pack the suitcases, put on the heart-shaped sunglasses and take a ride to the seaside. Finally! Logically, it is time for another update on what I would enjoy reading while placidly chilling on the beach. (my first post - here) The books I will feature are rather girly so I apologize to every boy/man who comes across this (unless you enjoy sipping Cosmopolitans and reading chick flicks in which case I already love you and you should be my best friend). 

Confessions of a Shopaholic (Shopaholic, #1)Anna and the French Kiss (Anna and the French Kiss, #1)From Notting Hill with Love... Actually (Actually #1)
The Devil Wears Prada (The Devil Wears Prada, #1)To All the Boys I've Loved Before (To All the Boys I've Loved Before, #1)

Now, I would never consider this kind of books my ultimate favorite but they are definitely quite refreshing when you are light-headed and need a bit of a break. If I have to be honest, I actually despise romantic novels, Nicholas Spaks' being the worst of them all, but I guess some of my picks would be the exception that proves the rule. I don't like being particularly engaged with a book while I am supposed to be resting as I usually don't spend that much time reading on a holiday. See, if I bring A Song of Ice and Fire book with me I would probably bring it around in restaurants and clubs (think I have actually already done that...). On the other hand, I always appreciate a well-written and entertaining novel and there is always a much higher chance to stumble upon a rather disappointing one if you pick it by the title and how girly it sounds.  
So, as you can probably tell, they are all stories about either love or clothes (shopping, in particular). I really don't have an enormous opinion on them as they are not very famous (except The Devil Wears Prada which everyone has heard of). There are some truly positive reviews on The Confessions of a Shopaholic and Anna and the French Kiss - book-tubers mainly say that they are both very funny and relatable which is all I really need on hot day near the pool. Can you tell that I am immensely excited about my holiday?
Are you going on one and do you know if all these books are suitable for my purpose as well as enjoyable? 

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